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Social Distancing Signs and Supplies

The CDC states that the best way to prevent illness is to avoid being exposed to the virus. This means maintaining good social distancing, washing hands often, and routinely cleaning and disinfecting frequently touched surfaces. While it may seem like common sense, social distancing signs and decals are necessary reminders that we have to do our part to stop the virus. Without a vaccine, retail and service industries can encourage public health by using social distancing signs and decals.

We offer a colorful selection of aluminum, polystyrene, and polyethylene signs that communicate important messages, including instructions for preventing the spread of Coronavirus and reminders to wash your hands for 20 seconds. White polyester inspection labels provide clear and relevant information about the date and initials of the last person to sanitize the area. We offer these labels in a variety of shapes and sizes to accommodate different environments. Hang social distancing signs around your business using 3M VHB tapes. These double-sided acrylic foam tapes let you quickly create a reliable bond between a variety of materials. Closed-cell acrylic foam is more durable and flexible than other tape materials, and VHB tape combines adhesive with high-strength foam to create a tight, strong bond. Easily hang social distancing signs on painted or sealed CMU walls or stainless-steel warehouse surfaces.

Recommendations to social distance and refrain from touching the face have employers and contractors concerned with productivity and communication. The 3M Peltor WS Litecom Pro III combines voice-activated VOX programming with environmental listening technology to provide a modern solution to radio communication. Maintain social distancing in the industrial workplace with a communication system that doesn't compromise hearing protection.


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