Light Curtains & Chambers
Light chambers enclose light curing adhesive systems. Designed for safety purposes, a light chamber eliminates or greatly reduces external ultraviolet (UV) light exposure. Housing entire light curing adhesive systems, full-size chambers include a variety of safety features. Lock switches prevent the door from opening during the exposure process. Built-in timers allow curing in continuous or timed modes. High-end light chambers continuously monitor lamp intensity and establish lower-level output for optimal curing. During loading and unloading, lamps are shielded to protect against harmful rays. Light curtains may be attached to the chamber exit to prevent UV light from escaping. Bristles on light curtains block rays while allowing product to pass through.
Smaller light chambers may include a single drawer and a 4-inch bulb for ultraviolet A (UVA) and ultraviolet B (UVB) exposure. The assembly is loaded before inserting it into the cure drawer. When the drawer is closed, the chamber encases the entire system to protect against direct exposure.